63 Everette St, Dartmouth
Whether you are retiring, just starting-out, or happen to be anywhere in-between, the undeniable extreme value that this home offers makes it the perfect fit for someone looking to get into a freshly painted, hardwood home, with a great backyard, and a huge deck, all-in for well-under $200,000. Woodside is a quickly appreciating area, due to folks catching on that it’s mature neighbourhood provides all of the sensations of living in the country, while being just minutes away from the city, by way of car, bus, or ferry. If you travel to Halifax for either work or pleasure, the Woodside ferry provides the perfect location for your first cup of coffee in the morning. There is something very special about waking-up by way of a 12-minute float that places you downtown Halifax without any concern for either parking or traffic lights. In today’s market, within metro Halifax, you do have a choice: at under $200,000, you can either pick-up a tiny condo with a monthly condo fee, or buy this freshly redone home, and enjoy its appreciating value over a lifetime. With its wonderful backyard and deck your dogs, cats, and children will love it.
Price: $179,900
Sold: No
63 Everette Street, Dartmouth, NS
Bedroom(s): 2
Bathroom(s): 1
Is this an A La Carte Listing: Yes
Contact Name: Stephen Fielding
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: 902 717-8650
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